Gratitude in The Year of Crazy


A year far from reality

I don’t know about you but looking back on 2020 makes me feel like we’ve all been living “in a galaxy far, far away” from reality. 

Overgeneralizing my experiences this year…

The first quarter ended with fear, uncertainty, and dread.

The second quarter was a blur of isolation, disappointment, and depression.

The third quarter took on a lot of reflection, recommitment, and finding my tribes. 

So far, the fourth quarter is a lot of exhaustion with sprinkles of hope that next year will be better.

Throughout the year, we’ve all had to learn new ways of dealing with the crazy in our personal, family, and work worlds. 

I went through (and watched others go through) waves of Covid-crazy, Covid-depression, Covid-ghosting, and the never-ending Covid-coaster.

We’ve all been on the hero’s journey rollercoaster

This year has been the hero’s journey for all of us. Just like all heroes, we’ve been searching for solutions. We’ve gotten off track and given into our flaws. We’ve made mistakes and questioned our decisions. We’ve rebelled against our guides and fought off our internal demons. Finally, resigned to our path, we’re awakening to possibilities in the year to come…

Yup, a rollercoaster!

Even in 2020, there’s reasons to be grateful

Thanksgiving marks the beginning of the last stretch of the year.

I’m wrapping up projects. Reflecting on what’s gone well (or hasn’t). Finding gratitude for my experiences and what I’ve learned. 

Here’s the things 2020 has taught me. I’m humbly grateful for:

Learning the importance of family. I used to take my Mom and Dad for granted. There’d be plenty of time to catch up… right after I finished the latest project. This year I started talking to my Mom every day. And it’s been the best change I’ve made in 2020.

Stepping up under pressure. Covid-crazy hit a former business partner of mine. Someone I was relying on to help me through a project. He had skills I didn’t. I thought I needed him. When he Covid-ghosted me, I found the strength to figure it out and find new collaborators to get the job done.

Amazingly talented co-collaborators. I’ve been so fortunate to meet and work with incredibly talented designers and marketers. We’ve shared the ups and downs of this year, our business successes and challenges, and our personal fears and hopes. I consider you friends and allies! Check out my community page, and if you can, support their businesses.

Clients who became friends. I’ve been blessed to work with outstanding business owners, entrepreneurs, and solopreneurs. Projects have transitioned into friendships. Thank you to each and every one of you!

The support of family and friends. I’m so grateful to my family and friends for their encouragement. Daily text check-ins, Zoom calls, virtual happy hours, and so much love and support. And hey, keep those Netflix recommendations coming!

In the end, we are stronger for it

I hope you’ll take some time over the Thanksgiving holiday and reflect on this crazy year. Yes, it’s been hard, horrible, painful, and lonely. And it’s also taught us lessons that we can be grateful for. In the end, we grow out of chaos. 

I’m reminded of the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back. Our hero, Luke Skywalker, searches for the Jedi Master Yoda on the strange swamp planet Dagobah.

“Now, all I’ve got to do is find this Yoda. If he even exists. It's a really strange place to find a Jedi Master. This place gives me the creeps.” — Luke Skywalker

Even in a world that gives you the creeps, you can learn, stretch, make new friends, and get one step closer to becoming the Jedi Master of your dreams! 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Please take a minute and share: what are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving?